Time Suckers: 5 Things to Avoid Doing in Every Workday that will Suck Your Precious Time

Want to save time in your Workday? Here are 5 things to avoid that will suck your precious time. Allow these to happen and you guarantee losing time.

1. Avoid Meetings like the Plague. Top Time Managers know meetings are the great Time Sucker. Not because Meetings aren’t important, but because nearly 98% of workers don’t know how to properly conduct them. Most of the time, meetings are a waste of time because they were unnecessary in the first place. So, avoid them and you’ll instantly gain more time.

2. Constantly Checking Email. Nearly everyone uses Email incorrectly and at the wrong times. Most people constantly check email. Wrong. Have set times in your WorkDay where you check email. Outside of those times, NEVER check.

3. Not Sticking to a WorkDay Structure. If you don’t have a Set WorkDay schedule, you’re in real trouble. A Workday Schedule gives you structure. And, even if you have one, if you don’t establish and adhere to Boundaries, even with your Boss, you’re in more trouble.

4. Allowing Interruption. Interruption is the root of all work inefficiency. That’s because the way to really gain Time and become more productive is to build momentum, get a rhythm going. That’s how you bang out Task after Task. But all of that comes to a screeching halt if you allow interruptions. So, have a Set WorkDay Structure for checking email, calls, meetings and working on your own projects/tasks. Then, STICK to it and hold Boundaries that protect that schedule.

5. Learn to Say No to needless tasks. This is the most important tip. Learn what is and isn’t important. And, most tasks aren’t. For nearly all tasks, don’t do them yourself. Delegate them. And, develop the courage to really decide if a Task should be done in the first place.


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Posted in General Business.