Do the any of these pictures remind you of your IT hardware structure, 

the frustrations you feel about having your own in-house IT or your Annual IT Spend?


Want to Stop it & Save Big Money?

Our Strategic Plan to Transition Your IT to the Cloud:

We call it the “Get Out of In-house Hardware Business” Plan & Financial Savings

The Infrastructure Company makes getting out of the IT hardware business easy. Why continue to “reinvent the wheel” and have your own internal IT hardware.

Plus, why have to maintain that hardware, backup, update and replace that hardware. Lastly, why have dedicated, in-house IT staff for networking, hardware and all that comes with operating your own IT hardware infrastructure.

There is an easier and far greater cost effective way. We can show you the huge cost savings that are gained from “getting out of the hardware business” and moving to cloud computing. We’ll design a customized plan for your business and then be there every step of the way for you to implement.

Lastly, moving to the cloud pays for itself because you no longer have the large capital outlays for the equipment nor the employee costs to maintain it. We’ll help you “Reap the Rewards” that not only pay dividends in the year you implement but every year thereafter. Talk about a true “Budget Buster!

Here are the key benefits and potential savings:

Key benefits:

  • Move from Fixed to Variable Cost Model saving.
  • Get out of “hardware” business under your” in-house roof.”
  • No hardware equipment costs. Stop having to investment in expensive IT hardware such as servers, switches, etc. every 3-5 years.
  • Leverage World Class Vendors for Software, Backups, Disaster Recovery and Security.
  • Deploy high-level help desk and user support using an outsourced help desk model.
  • Mobile/Device Friendly.

Potential Savings:

  • From $50,000 to upwards to $500,000, depending upon how large an organization’s IT infrastructure currently is.
  • Reduced Internal Headcount, typically 1-2 FTEs

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The Core Benefits of “Getting Out of the Hardware Business” and Moving to Cloud-based Computing

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